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DRC Faces Pressure from China After Six Chinese Nationals Killed in Ituri

Discover how DRC is under pressure from China after six Chinese nationals are killed in Ituri. China demands accountability and enhanced security measures.

China has called for accountability from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) following a tragic incident in Djugu, Ituri province, where six Chinese nationals were killed in a targeted attack by militiamen from the Congo Development Cooperative (CODECO).

In a statement issued through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China urged the Congolese government to swiftly apprehend those responsible for the murders and ensure they face justice for their heinous acts against Chinese citizens.

Beijing emphasized the urgent need for the DRC to enhance the protection of all its nationals within Congolese territory, especially by implementing robust measures to safeguard mining companies operating in the country. This protection, China stressed, should extend to all personnel working in various sectors, highlighting the broader implications of security for international investments and operations in the DRC.

According to reports from MINES.CD, the Chinese expatriates were killed during an attack by CODECO militiamen in Abombi. The incident also resulted in the deaths of two soldiers during the intervention by the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), as confirmed by Lieutenant Jules Ngongo, spokesperson for the FARDC in Ituri.

Ituri province, plagued by insecurity, has seen repeated attacks targeting individuals involved in gold mining, including Chinese nationals. The region's instability poses significant risks to mining operations and foreign investments, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced security measures.

In a similar incident in April 2024, armed men killed another Chinese national in a mining area in Mambasa, looting a significant amount of gold and money during the attack. These recurring attacks highlight the persistent security challenges faced by expatriates and local workers in the DRC's mining sector.

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